Stop Chicken Little: The Truth about Traffic Calming  in Portland, Maine



 Stevens Avenue

Stevens Summary



Public Concern

Air Quality

Curbs, Medians, Tables

Pedestrian Accidents

Vehicle Accidents



Muskie Institute

Legal Aspects


MDOT data

SAP Lies


Opponent Petition

ATC Brochure

 Kane letters

Deering Oaks

Brighton Avenue

Capisic  Street


Stop Signs

Stevens Avenue Advisory Committee notes


SAAC stands for "Stevens Avenue Advisory Committee" headed by our old friend Paula Craighead. This group had a lot of people from the Deering Center Neighborhood Association in it. They were holding all the "public" neighborhood meetings on the project, and telling local officials what to do.

Below: This was real cute: Within two weeks of the project hitting the road and the fit hitting the shan, the huge public condemnation of the project caused  Paula to bail out of the SAAC,
( see letter below) leaving poor Bill Bray, head of DPW, holding the bag. He got so stressed out that he had to take a two week vacation, according to the receptionist at DPW.

Hopefully Paula learned to leave things alone that she knows nothing about....Paula moved out of Portland in June 1999.

She got a job as legal council to the Governor.


RESIDENCE:                                                                                                                                                BEAGLE. PEARCE & RIDGE

209 CONCORD ST.                                                                                                                                                       24 CITY CENTER

PORTLAND. MAINE 04103                                                                                                                               PORTLAND, MAINE 04112

(207) 773-2866                                                                                                                                                                    (207) 773‑1751

FAX (207) 773‑0034                                                                                                                                                    FAX (207) 775‑3382

August 5, 1997


Mayor George Campbell 
Portland City Hall 
389 Congress Street 
Portland, ME 04101 

Dear George,

This letter is my formal resignation from the Stevens Avenue Advisory Committee in the event it is still considered operative. 
The new energy and commitment to problem solving expressed at the meeting last night should create the will needed to address the problems of the street.

Please know that I leave the Committee grateful for the opportunity to have served and learned.

                                                                     Best regards,

 cc: Bill Bray, PublicWorks Director

Charles Harlow, Public Safety Chair



                              Paula M. Craighead








Giving credit where it is due: this is a list of the original committee members of the Stevens Avenue Advisory Committee in December 1993, the people that started the whole mess. Paula Craighead was the Chair.

This material is excerpted from the “Proposal for Pedestrian Corridor Study” , prepared by DeLuca-Hoffman Associates for the Portland Dept. of Public Works and PACTS  in Oct. 1992, revised April 7, 1993.  

The list is a mixed bag of people: some are the prime movers of the Stevens Project, some were on the sidelines cheering, others such as Congressman Allen were just being copied with the SAAC's progress. Nonetheless, these people were in on the project at the start.

There were also copies of aerial photos of  Stevens Avenue delineating streets and other features attached with this list.  The photos were unreadable, did not fare well in reproduction for this report, and I have not included them in this document.

The original documents were transferred from Burbank Library to the Portland Public Library’s Portland Room for archiving on  Oct. 7, 1999 .


Distribution List

Stevens Avenue Pedestrian Study Committee List


Rameen Armanjani                Russ Brimmer            Tom Burns
145 Whitney St.                 128 Glenwood St.        164 Concord St.
Portland, Me. 04103             Portland, Me.  04103    Portland, Me. 04103
772-8583                        774-8681                774-1812

Paula Craighead                 Kathy Freund            Tom Fasulo
209 Concord St.                 3 Hyde St.              264A Stevens Ave.
Portland, Me.  040103           Portland, Me.  04103    Portland, Me  04103

Johanna Hart                    Margie MacDonald        Michael Cuddy
44 Norwood St.                  Longfellow Ele.Schl.    Deering Neighb. Ass.
Portland, Me.  04103            432 Stevens Ave.        132 Pleasant Ave.
773-4046                        874-8195                Portland, Me.  04103

Rita Moore                      Peter Morelli           Steve Parker
Lincoln Middle School           88 Mabel St.            Cornerstones
522 Stevens Ave.                Portland, Me.  04103    431 Brighton Ave.
874-8145                        775-0772                773-6779

David Shapiro                   Sr. Theresa Rand        Sue Reed
Deering High School             St. Joseph's            Westbrook Child Center
370 Stevens Ave.                695 Stevens Ave.        721 Stevens Ave
Portland, Me.  04103            Portland, Me.  04103    Portland, Me.  04103
874-8260                        797-7073                797-9366

Jaime Vacchiano                 Diane Carbone           Ed Morin
Pat's Meat Market               Stevens Ave. Offices    161 Hartley
484 Stevens Ave.                77 Prospect St.         Portland, Me.  04103
Portland, Me.  04103            Portland, Me.  04103    871-1341

Denise Vachon                   Diana Warren            Susan Wilbur
Park Danforth                    178 Pleasant Ave.       Children's Co-op
777 Stevens Ave.                Portland, Me.  04103    302 Stevens Ave.
Portland, Me.  04103                                    Portland, Me.  04103
797-7710                                                774-9029

Robert Kahn                     Sr. Dorothy Sullivan    David Warren
94 Rackleff St.                 McAuley High School     178 Pleasant Ave.
Portland, Me.  04103            631 Stevens Ave.        Portland, Me.  04103
774-9367                        Portland, Me.  04103    773-0374

